The Fun Side of Penalties in Tango’s Live Battles

Let the Live Battles begin!🔥

🎉Are you ready to add some excitement to your Tango Live Battles?🎉

Participating in a Tango Live Battle is a great way to have fun and compete with other creators for extra rewards. Viewers get to pick who wins depending on who earns the most diamonds💎 throughout the battle

Live Battles are one of Tango’s most popular features. They help creators grow their audience💗, generate entertaining content🤣, create a human connection🤗, offer a fun activity🎉, and even provide an opportunity to earn some extra cash💰 from bonuses for the winners!

However, some creators like to continue the fun by agreeing on a penalty for the losing creator. At Tango, we want to ensure penalties align with our community guidelines.

ning content🤣, create a human connection🤗, offer a fun activity🎉, and even provide an opportunity to earn some extra cash💰 from bonuses for the winners!

To help out, we’ve compiled a list of examples of penalties that are acceptable on Tango, and here are some ideas to get you started:

🤡 Wearing a virtual Tango costume, mask or filter for 20 minutes (ie – wig or helmet). 

🎤 A Karaoke or dance performance 

🎁 Sending a Tango gift to the winner

💄 Funny face painting with makeup

🌟 The possibilities are endless as long as they comply with our community standards!


🛑It’s important to note that Tango strictly prohibits any penalties that include sexual activity, violence or self-harm. In addition, both creators must agree on the penalty beforehand❌

In conclusion, Tango’s Live Battles are a fun way to connect with other creators and challenge each other. By following our community guidelines, the penalties can be a playful addition to the competition without crossing any lines. So go ahead, get creative, and have some fun!💃

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